The Regimental Council for The Queen’s York Rangers is composed of volunteers who give their time to preserve the history and traditions of the Rangers and ensure its longevity. The Council’s primary aim is to promote, support and assist in the maintenance and development of the unit and the welfare of the soldiers of the Regiment.

Council assists the Regiment by providing:

  • Governance of the Regimental museum and stewardship of the memorabilia;
  • Advice and counsel to the Commanding Officer, when asked, on any aspect of Regimental life especially
    traditions, customs and Regimental-specific dress;
  • Support and assistance to the Regiment through fund raising, at major events or with special projects;
  • Assistance in the liaison with Allied and Associated Regiments;
  • Support for the Regimental Band and sponsored Cadet Corps;
  • Liaison with governmental entities and non-governmental organizations concerned with
    defence issues and the regimental system;
  • Specific support for soldiers on deployment; and
  • Awards and other recognition for the members of the unit.